The Friday Night Knitting Club (January)--Lisa's Review

>> Monday, February 2, 2009


I loved The Babysitters Club books as a tween, I really, really did. But I wouldn't want to read them now. No offense to Ann M. Martin, but I'm looking for a higher level of writing as an adult reader. With all the hype, I thought The Friday Night Knitting Club would be a winner. Unfortunately, it left me feeling like I'd just waded through a 400-page Babysitters Club book for adults. It was a quick, easy read and it did hold my attention, but mostly because I kept waiting for something to happen that would convince me that I had not wasted my time. It had all the components of a great girly book---a group of women, each with their own story, a place where they met to talk, a hobby they all shared... There was just something missing. She didn't make me love her characters or even believe that they were real people (except Anita--I DID like Anita). The dialogues seemed stilted, unrealistic. Several events seemed contrived and fake (like the sudden trip to Scotland to visit the stereotypical grandma). And then the ending...for what reason? (I don't want to spoil it for those who may still pick up the book). Overall, it was an alright read if you're looking for something light and "fun." I guess I just expected more from a book on so many bestseller and book club lists.

I will say this for the book, though. I now REALLY want to learn to knit. As soon as I'm done with my current project (putting pictures from the past three years into albums on Shutterfly), I might try it! Or maybe I'll start a quilting bee....


aes February 3, 2009 at 8:08 AM  

I also really liked Anita's character. She was realistic and lovable. Who wouldn't want someone like Anita in their life?

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