February's Pick

>> Thursday, January 29, 2009


I think the pressure for choosing a book for book club has increased since we started blogging. I mean, come on, we have a reputation now.

I narrowed my choices down to 3, and then I just couldn't choose. I asked Erin and Lisa to help me out, but I think they felt the pressure should be mine alone (that is one thing about not picking - no pressure) so I let the library decide. I requested all three novels from the library thinking whichever one came in first would be the pick. And the winner is . . . Stormbreaker.

My counterparts are a bit miffed because I actually read the book before making the final decision. I have no defense. I can't help it; it was there - I read it. Sorry. However, I am excited about this pick, not because I think it will produce any great discussion, but because I think it is a fun read. And though I read a lot of YAL, I haven't read much in the spy genre, so it's a step out of the box for me.

The website for this series is pretty cool, www.alexrider.com, so check it out and check back later to see what we thought about the book.

Also coming soon is our reviews on The Friday Night Knitting Club.


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