January's Pick

>> Monday, January 17, 2011


This month's pick was easy to choose. My bestest friend from way back when (who also has a book club in the eastern part of the country where she lives) sent me The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox as a Christmas present. Before it arrived it was also preceded by this email:

So part of your present is a book. I ordered it before I finished reading it myself because I found it totally engrossing. However, I know you aren't too much a fan of sad stories and this one is sad (says so right on the cover, but for some reason I still wasn't prepared for what happened). So, if you want to return it and get something else, go ahead. It's definitely a good book. Well
written, great for conversation. But not happy.

Sad or not, this peaked my curiosity. And I couldn't return a book, that would be unheard of. So to ensure that I would actually read it and not let it linger on my desk, I picked it for book club. Now it was mandatory reading. And well, you'll just have to find out later what I thought.

P.S. Thanks bestest friend from way back when!


Charity McKenzie Shick January 31, 2011 at 8:04 AM  

Hi! I'm so behind on blog reading that I didn't see this post! Please please please give your reviews!! I'm dying to hear them! Our book club ended up having a discussion about sisters because of it.
It's hard to give a review of this without a spoiler though, so please feel free to give your book club my email address if they want to post their REAL reviews to me personally. :)

Faith March 18, 2011 at 11:39 AM  

I thought this was a horrible book. I mean, it's well written with plot twists & such, but who wants to read such a story? My sister sent it to me as well.

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