When You Reach Me - E's Review

>> Thursday, February 4, 2010


I really liked this book. My only regret is that I wasn't 10 years old when I first read it. Now that couldn't be possible of course because it was written just last year. But what if I could travel back in time? Then I could read it when I was 10 and I am most certain it would have been one of my favorite books ever.

It would have introduced me to an elementary version of time travel long before I ever watched LOST and got totally screwed in the head. It would have showed me a girl I could relate to. A girl who needed a best friend, missed her best friend and didn't like other people reading her books. A girl who needed to grow up just a little and a girl who adored her mother.

It would have been one I read again and again. And yet at um, not 10 years old, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It left me feeling refreshed and smiling and it only took about an hour to finish.


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