Before Green Gables - Review

>> Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Impossible. Absolutely inconceivable that anyone can capture Anne Shirley besides her creator. Anne is a character born from the imagination of L.M. Montgomery, crafted with her gift of writing, and molded by the experiences and environment of her life. Unless someone has the ability to channel L.M., they don't stand a chance of channeling Anne.

Before Green Gables is not a prequel to Anne of Green Gables. Names, dates, places may all be the same, but Anne isn't. Anne does not break through the words and sentences to become a living, breathing person, rather she lays flat, one dimensional page after page. She is overexaggerated and underdeveloped. She is a concoction, not a character to love.

And just as I fear disgusting zombies will haunt me every time I read Pride and Prejudice, I now fear Anne's little impostor will follow me from Green Gables to Ingleside.


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